Name and Structure
common name:Phenmedipham
chemical name: 3-[(methyl oxycarbonyl)amino]phenyl-N-(3-methylphenyl)carbamate
Structural formula:
Molecular formula: C16H16N2O4
Molecular weight: 240
Physical and Chemical Properties:
Description:Pure is a colorless crystalline solid.
Melting point:Pure 143-144°C,technical 140-144°C
Vapor pressure:Pure 1.32Mpa at 25°C.
Water 4.7 mg/mL at room temperature Organic solvents g/kg Acetone 200 methanol 50 benzene 2.5
Stability:Pure decomposing at 147°C;technical decomposing in the alkaline solution.
Acute toxicity
Oral LD50 rat and mouse 8000-12800mg/kg;Dermal LD50 rat>4000mg/kg;Inhal.LC50 rat without effect 1mg/L.
This herbicide is effective to control the broadleaf weed of beet field,such as Stellaria media(L.)Cyr.,Chenopodium album L.,Capsella bursa-pastoris(L.)Medic.,Polygonum nepalense Meisn.Dodartia orientalis L.,Daucus carota L.,Daucus carota L.,Brassica juncea(L.)coss,Eleocharis yokoscensis ( Sav.)Tang et Wang,Galeopsis bifida Boenn.,Dendranthema boreale (Makino)Ling.
Technical material and formulation
95% technical grade and 16% emulsifiable concentrate(E.C)
The 95% technical grade is packed in the paperboard pail.And the net weight is 40kg every pail.The 16% E.C is packed in the iron pail,and its net volume is 200 litre every pail.
manufacturer ZheJiang DongFeng Chem.Ind Co.,Ltd.